Vor: Refund Policy
Try before you buy
We offer a free 30 day trial of Vor on macOS, and would encourage you to use this evaluation period to decide whether it’s the right software for your needs before purchasing.
FastSpring Subscriptions
Subscriptions to Vor made via our website will be processed by FastSpring.
For subscriptions via FastSpring, we offer a 15 day refund policy as outlined below.
Software Issues
If you experience an issue with your software, please contact us as we may be able to resolve the issue for you. If the issue cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, we will issue you with a full refund of the price paid at the time of purchase.
Change of Mind
We encourage you to use the trial period to determine whether the software is right for you. However, refunds are available for change of mind within 15-days of the purchase period.
For change of mind refunds, we reserve the right to retain a 10% transaction fee to cover fees incurred by us that we cannot recover.
Apple App Store Subscriptions
All refunds for App Store subscriptions are handled by Apple and Apple's refund policy will apply, and you will need to contact Apple directly.
Last Update: March 6, 2024